[kj] ot: System of a Down.

Alexander Smith vassifer at earthlink.net
Tue Aug 2 11:32:45 EDT 2005

I had to write about these guys this week for my weekly idiocy in THE 
NEW YORKER and dug some of their stuff out for the first time in a long 
while. I haven't heard anything off of their new record (though I think 
it boasts some of the weakest cover art of the last decade), and I've 
always been somewhat put off by their ties to whistleheaded "nu metal", 
but damn if "Chop Suey" from TOXICITY isn't just a striking piece of 
music. When they hit those high harmonies in that middle-eight (01:56) 
and again towards the finale (02:51), augmented by the piano? Holy 
shit, I almost well up and cry. I find it strangely affecting.

Has anyone heard their new one? Is it worth checking out?

Alex in NYC

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