[kj] World Destruction
b.s.crack at generalmail.de
Mon Dec 4 14:44:46 EST 2006
May I first say that the Nazis were infact Socialists, although
they also believed in Nationalism, and that's why they were called the
National Socialist Party. But they followed Socialist policies, but
with Nationalistic tendencies
You also say that Russia, china, North Korea, Cambodia etc etc were
NOT Communist.................Greg, they were indeed communist,
whether you like it or not. Can you name me one successful Communist
country? If you believe in Communism , then is there any reason why
you dont move to Vietnam ?(This is not just a sentence. It's a
question, and I would like an answer)
Also the starvation in Communist China in the 1950's was due to
Communist policies. Yes there was harsh weather conditions , but China
continued exporting huge amounts of grain whilst its population
literally starved to death.
Communist China did grow enough food to feed its population, it
just didnt have the means to get it from the fields to peoples plates.
Althiugh it did have the means to export huge quantities of food
Quoting GREG SLAWSON <gregslawson at msn.com>:
> Well said, Oliver! Now that I look at this in a broader context, that
> not only horrible regimes like Cambodia and N. Korea throw around the
> "communist" label, but the Nazis called themselves "socialist",
> everyone has called themsleves "republic" or "democracy", etc., it
> makes a little more sense. And yes, Marx was the founder of it all--but
> I think he was wrong that the state would just wither away. I think you
> need a state apparatus that involves MASS participation--direct
> democracy of many groups of people who don't just VOTE, but actually
> run things themselves. And Crack, you should check out a cd by The
> Coup--you'll like it!
> -------------------------
> From: /"B. Oliver Sheppard" <bigblackhair at sbcglobal.net>/
> Reply-To: /"A list about all things Killing Joke (the
> band!)"<gathering at misera.net>/
> To: /"A list about all things Killing Joke (the band!)"
> <gathering at misera.net>/
> Subject: /Re: [kj] World Destruction/
> Date: /Sun, 03 Dec 2006 14:05:55 -0600/
>> Crack,
>> Depends on what you mean by "communist" society. If you mean societies
>> that have called themselves communist, like Stalin's USSR, the Khmer
>> Rouge, etc., yeah, those regimes suck. But they cynically call
>> themselves "communist," in spite of their policies, not because of them.
>> Communism, at least as Marx meant it (and wasn't he some authority on
>> the matter?), was a classless, stateless society, which would come after
>> socialism -- and none of the examples you cited fit this bill. The USSR
>> also said they were a union of Republics, and North Korea says it is the
>> People's Democratic North Korea -- are either of them republics, or a
>> democacy? Of course not. SO why why believe it when they say they're
>> communist, then? Seems awfully selective. "North Korea says it is a
>> Republic, therefore I hate any and every country that calls itself a
>> Republic" -- that makes no sense.
>> Ruling elites often use nice-sounding words to get people to go along
>> with them. Where/when socialist ideology is popular, people call
>> themselves "socialist" or "communist" appeal to folks. The National
>> Socialist Party of Germany (Nazis) -- that's some socialism, huh? Or the
>> People's Republic of China. Yeah, what a republic (representative
>> democracy) that is. What countries call themselves may or may not have
>> anything to do with what their true nature is. That includes the USA,
>> too, which also calls itself a republic. Because, you know, we did some
>> free trade capitalistically to get all the land here to ship our
>> freely-traded slaves in and such, to build our shining city on the hill,
>> etc., etc.
>> -Oliver
>> Crack wrote:
>>> I vehemently disagree with the ideals of communism and the ideals
>>> of a Communist society. The only people who can progress in communist
>>> societies are Party members(or their family's) or people who are
>>> subservient to the State .
>>> Even the hardest working most intelligent man will not get
>>> anywhere in a Communist society unless he is a Party member, and this
>>> in effect suppresses peoples will to progress and succeed and
>>> therefore the economy becomes stagnant.
>>> Capitalism gives the masses the chance to progress and succeed ,
>>> Capitalism gives people the freedom to move forward. Communism just
>>> oppresses the masses and looks after the chosen few (Party members)
>>> From: "GREG SLAWSON" <gregslawson at msn.com>
>>>> Reply-To: "A list about all things Killing Joke (the
>>>> band!)"<gathering at misera.net>
>>>> To: gathering at misera.net
>>>> Subject: Re: [kj] OT: Afrika Bambaataa & John Lydon (Time
>>>> Zone)-WorldDestruction (1984)
>>>> Date: Thu, 30 Nov 2006 19:59:48 -0500
>>>> RUN-DMC, on the other hand, were true gems (poor Jam-Master Jay).
>>>> That was back in the days when rap was FUN--as one friend used to
>>>> describe it,a couple of guys standing on stage yelling at you. It
>>>> seems like all the contemporary "gansta" rappers have slowed the
>>>> music down, trying to sound sexy or tough. It's all so serious
>>>> sounding (except for 70's funk-influenced underground rapper The
>>>> Coup, who are former members of my communist group and still have
>>>> the same politics...)
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