[kj] Manchester University

CEPLASTER at aol.com CEPLASTER at aol.com
Tue May 9 11:28:24 EDT 2006

Dear Angry Tom Hanks person,
         Your comments about the  arrangements and how the recordings were 
put together for the last couple of KJ  records seem very much on the money.  KJ 
2003 definitely sounded as if it  could have been recorded with a laptop.  
However, I do think Gill did a  good job at pulling things together and getting 
the arrangements together.   If you notice, he does get writing credit on most 
if not all of the 2003  songs.
          Having said that,  the new record definitely sounds like there's a 
bit of cut and paste action  going on, but I don't see it so much as a crutch 
as much as a means to an  end.  Sometimes bands will write stuff individually  
and bring it in  as a mostly finished thing, other times bands will come in 
with nothing, start  rehearsals/ jams and pull things together as a unit.
           The Stones  during their best days recorded their stuff this way.  
go into the studio  and record mountains of raw music, then sift through , 
find the best stuff and  carve them into song structures.  Maybe not the most 
cost efficient way to  do things, but it did yield results.  
            So  getting back to the point you were making, I guess I just 
look at this as being  one of many ways you can make a record.  Who knows how 
they'll approach the  next one,
when and if it happens.  The only thing you can count on with these  guys is 
that no two records will ever sound the  same.                          
Thanks, Carl P.
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