[kj] Manchester University

Leigh Newton angrytomhanks at yahoo.com
Wed May 10 04:47:01 EDT 2006

I think Gill did a great job at pulling things
together, definately. I think he's probably a big part
of why KJ2003 is so great. I did actually notice that
he gets credit on most of those songs, that's why i
mentioned it.

The whole cut and paste pro-tools method: there's no
doubt in my mind that this is how most bands make
albums. It's become the industry standard, so to
speak. I don't really think of it as bad at all. I
just think that, in the wrong hands, it can yield bad
results ie: Hossanas. 


--- CEPLASTER at aol.com wrote:

> Dear Angry Tom Hanks person,
>          Your comments about the  arrangements and
> how the recordings were 
> put together for the last couple of KJ  records seem
> very much on the money.  KJ 
> 2003 definitely sounded as if it  could have been
> recorded with a laptop.  
> However, I do think Gill did a  good job at pulling
> things together and getting 
> the arrangements together.   If you notice, he does
> get writing credit on most 
> if not all of the 2003  songs.
>           Having said that,  the new record
> definitely sounds like there's a 
> bit of cut and paste action  going on, but I don't
> see it so much as a crutch 
> as much as a means to an  end.  Sometimes bands will
> write stuff individually  
> and bring it in  as a mostly finished thing, other
> times bands will come in 
> with nothing, start  rehearsals/ jams and pull
> things together as a unit.
>            The Stones  during their best days
> recorded their stuff this way.  
> go into the studio  and record mountains of raw
> music, then sift through , 
> find the best stuff and  carve them into song
> structures.  Maybe not the most 
> cost efficient way to  do things, but it did yield
> results.  
>             So  getting back to the point you were
> making, I guess I just 
> look at this as being  one of many ways you can make
> a record.  Who knows how 
> they'll approach the  next one,
> when and if it happens.  The only thing you can
> count on with these  guys is 
> that no two records will ever sound the  same.      
> Thanks, Carl P.
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