[kj] Jaz Straw
The Exorcist
killingjoke at speakeasy.net
Sat Oct 14 00:25:23 EDT 2006
In Judiasm:
Abraham is considered a forefather not a messenger.
The first one referred to as "messenger of god" is Moses.
I am not referring to the origin of the Jewish ppl. I am simply stating that
Abraham (according to Jewish belief) is not considered a messenger.
Me :)
At 05:28 PM 10/13/2006, you wrote:
>Abraham...first Jewish Patriarch whom God chose to bless...He was
>the guy who started Judaism - geeze!
>While not exactly messianic, without Abraham, there's no Jewish,
>Muslim or Christian faith. Even Mormons consider Abraham as
>fundamental to their faith.
>Many of the religous traditions of the Jews come from Abraham's life.
>Plus, Abraham is the ony guy I know who actually had a fight with
>god - I mean fisty cuffs.
> Love
> ALWays
>On 10/13/06, The Exorcist
><<mailto:killingjoke at speakeasy.net>killingjoke at speakeasy.net> wrote:
>Jews consider Abraham as a messenger from god???
>Why can't we just stick with this
><http://www.johnofgod.com/>http://www.johnofgod.com/ and leave it be?
>My 3 cents...
>At 04:44 PM 10/12/2006, you wrote:
>>Wrong again dick!
>>Islam believes that Jesus was a messenger from God. Some Christians
>>(Eastern Orthodox) believe Jesus IS God as a man. Though Catholic
>>and some Protetant sects believe Jesus was a messenger from God.
>>Christians and Muslims and Jews believe Abraham was a messenger from God.
>>The Religions are 'fundamentally different' because their basic
>>principles of worship are different - though I doubt you even know
>>what a principle is.
>> Love
>> ALWays
>>On 10/12/06, flight Bringer <<mailto:flightbringer at hotmail.co.uk>
>>flightbringer at hotmail.co.uk
> > wrote:
>Also Christianity , Islam and Judaism all believe in the same God , so it
>would be incorrect to label them "fundamentally different". The difference
>lies in whom they believe to be the messenger of God .
> >From: Jim Harper
> <<mailto:jimharper666 at yahoo.co.uk>jimharper666 at yahoo.co.uk >
> >Reply-To: "A list about all things Killing Joke (the
> >band!)"<<mailto:gathering at misera.net> gathering at misera.net>
> >To: "A list about all things Killing Joke (the band!)"
> ><<mailto:gathering at misera.net>gathering at misera.net >
> >Subject: Re: [kj] Jaz Straw
> >Date: Thu, 12 Oct 2006 21:08:38 +0100 (BST)
> >
> >So it's possible to follow two fundamentally different religions?
> >
> > You're such a twat. This whole monumental stupidity act is indeed
> >primarily an act, but what kind of idiot do you have to be to think that
> >permanently portraying yourself as mentally sub-normal is funny? Amazing.
> >
> >flight Bringer <<mailto:flightbringer at hotmail.co.uk>
> flightbringer at hotmail.co.uk> wrote:
> > ******Christian Jews are a small sect of who consider themselves to be
> >Christians . They are mainly Jews who have converted to Christianity and
> >they are seen as a threat to the Jewish Religion .
> >
> >
> > http://www.flipsidemovies.com
> > http://jimharper.blogspot.com
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