[kj] October File banner ad w/ pic of Jaz on it

Bob Barathy b-barathy at btconnect.com
Thu Aug 30 11:33:08 EDT 2007

Remember when those 'leaked' MP3 tracks came out and we all thought okay but
it'll sound better when the proper CD is released and we can heard good
quality versions of the songs.
Then the CD was released and the songs still had that crappy quality to
them! All the talk of getting back to roots with the recording equipment was
bollocks. Killing Joke 1980 doesn't sound like it was taped from the back of
the room on someones dictaphone!
Some of the songs on Hossanna's are real corkers but the mixing and
production stink! The mixing on the live version of Majestic I heard was far
better than the one on the CD. At least you could hear the keyboards!

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