[kj] philosophucky

Paul Wady paulwady at hotmail.com
Sat Dec 22 17:34:41 EST 2007

Pragmatic Empiricism is everything...

About, ooh, 8 years ago the Universal Church of XXX(somethinoranother) Gnostic Movement (Order in formation) moved into the floor above that occupied by the North London Buddhist centre of the Western Buddhist Order at that time, which I frequented the way that sane men of my age then frequented pubs, Raymonds Revue bar etc.
So one day, I went up to see them.
I got about two metres into their doorway, frozen by a collection of gentle and identical smiles and the same glassey eyed look in their faces. They were very nice in the way that it was obvious they wouldnt even tell you the time. One man apparently in charge gave me the name of a book, on a post it note, that was coming out in print in America in a few weeks that would explain about them. That was every single thing I learned about them.

I saw more of them coming up the stairs as I left, with exactly the same looks in their eyes, and that gentle smile.

Gnosticism. Thank you.

Nietzsche hugged carthorses. I am a direct and prolonged function of loud rock music, too much Dr Who as a child and direct commands from God on a regular basis to Kill Them All.

Happy Christmas everyone. X

Keep Smiling...

From: bq at soundgardener.co.nzTo: gathering at misera.netDate: Sat, 22 Dec 2007 09:08:12 +1300Subject: Re: [kj] philosophucky

My point is really that the statement was too broad in scope, Nietzsche had a propensity for trying to be as concise as possible, in which he was hugely successful but I feel you reach a point where you try to throw too much of the universe into a single rule, .e.g. which interpretation of life you choose to use *can be* a function a lots of things, not JUST the prevailing belief system of the power elite. Other factors are personal experience, religious beliefs, political beliefs, emotional bias, chemical balance of the brain, influence and control from those around you, the prevailing zeitgeist of your culture / subculture etc…

Pls explain what you found odd about my posting, I can’t remember asking about that quote…and I don’t really have particularly strong opinions about Freemasonry. I was invited to join a lodge and was mildly keen up until the point where I was advised that a pre-requisite was belief in a supreme being (oh and I would have had to buy a bloody suit, heh J). I couldn’t / can’t honestly say I have a belief in a supreme being. Very hard to shake the idea when you’re raised as a devout catholic, and that concept is a presence in your life from your earliest memories…but the supreme being never fucking checked his voicemail as far as I was concerned, the day I come home and find a nine-foot high pile of GI Joe toys, train sets, katanas, wings of icarus, drugs, Ferraris and pussy (all pending prayers not yet answered), THEN I’ll believe in the fucker, I’d even be happy to tithe (!) Until then, I’m sticking with weird old empirical evidence and reason.

Have always respected the little I know about the Gnostic faith, the ‘belief system’ I suppose I subscribe to the most would be the ‘model agnosticicism’ of Robert Anton Wilson…which seems quite compatible with Gnosticism.

From: gathering-bounces at misera.net [mailto:gathering-bounces at misera.net] On Behalf Of folk devilSent: Friday, 21 December 2007 5:16 p.m.To: A list about all things Killing Joke (the band!)Subject: Re: [kj] philosophucky

True, physics and chemistry bound by the law [power] of nature. Which we're all bound by....[christ that sounds hippy... ]btw I'm not a great fan of Nietzsche, although he has a point when it comes to ideologies, hegemonies and belief systems.. ;) Also Brendan, your earlier posting on masonry was odd, having asked me where 'in this light [sign]we are victorious' came from previously... In hoc signo vinces...> Date: Fri, 21 Dec 2007 14:50:45 +1300> From: bq at soundgardener.co.nz> To: gathering at misera.net> Subject: Re: [kj] philosophucky> > Not entirely true. Science for example, is not entirely biased or at the> whim of the power elite. Life's a little more complex than Nietzsche would> have liked. He's largely right however.> > >> > and back to this ol' chestnut..> >> > 'All things are subject to interpretation whichever interpretation> > prevails at a given time is a function of power and not truth'. -> > Nietzsche.> Date: Fri, 21 Dec 2007 13:00:27 +1300> From:> > bq at soundgardener.co.nz> To: gathering at misera.net> Subject: Re: [kj]> > philosophucky> > Ain't the the truth...I mean, ain't that a fac...ain't> > that how it is? Or> at least, ain't that our, um, perception of how it> > appears to be based on> the signals coming in to our nervous systems and> > the way we are hard-wired> and adapted through experience and learning to> > experience them> subjectively...> > ;)> > > thats what i said!> > @ : )>> > >> > aaaaaauuuuuummmmmmmmm> >> > lol> >> >> > On Dec 20, 2007 9:22 PM,> > bongo <humanhybrid666 at gmail.com> wrote:> >> truth is a human concept...>> > >> there is no truth, only What Is> >>> >> =)> >> > _______________________________________________> > Gathering mailing list>> > > Gathering at misera.net> >> > http://four.pairlist.net/mailman/listinfo/gathering> >> > >> > _______________________________________________> Gathering mailing list>> > Gathering at misera.net> http://four.pairlist.net/mailman/listinfo/gathering> > _________________________________________________________________> > The best games are on Xbox 360. Click here for a special offer on an Xbox> > 360 Console.> > http://www.xbox.com/en-US/hardware/wheretobuy/_______________________________________________> > Gathering mailing list> > Gathering at misera.net> > http://four.pairlist.net/mailman/listinfo/gathering> >> > > _______________________________________________> Gathering mailing list> Gathering at misera.net> http://four.pairlist.net/mailman/listinfo/gathering

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