[kj] back to oil!!!

Mister Black mrblack_000 at fsmail.net
Sat Jul 21 09:33:39 EDT 2007

Do you speak from experience B? Have you visited all these Countries that you talk about? It also isn't *U.S Cultural imperialism* that is being forced upon people , its what the people want .
I do have a Burka wearing extremist friend in Syria and she complains that the young Syrians are embracing Western culture themselves , they want to listen to Western music and dress in a western style , its their choice and its not being forced upon them . Allied forces have not entered Syria , yet the young locals have embraced Western ideals.
You seem to be saying that non Western Countries should not have access to the latest computers ,gadgets and Movies , I believe that these people should be able to make up their own minds , if Middle Easterners want to dress in a Western way and use computers and watch Western films...................then we should not stop them from doing this

Message Received: Jul 21 2007, 02:19 PM
From: "B. Oliver Sheppard"
To: "A list about all things Killing Joke (the band!)"
Subject: Re: [kj] back to oil!!!

Mr. Black,

My interpretation of Jaz's lyric ("We'll clothe your women the Western
way") was more of the general sort of US cultural imperialism that's
gradually overwhelming the entire planet. I'm not sure Jaz meant that as
a part of the US (oops, I mean Allied Coalition!) invasion US troops
would force Iraqi women to dress Western, I think he was reflecting that
monoform Western dress styles would probably come to predominate there,
but the specific US invasion of Iraq was more or less a very blatant and
extreme example of Western encroachment onto foreign soil, bringing with
it its culture, music, etc.

It's like the Rammstein music video, "We're All Living in Amerika," the
gist of which is that nowhere you go in the world it's getting more and
more like all you'll find is American culture there anyway.

Rammstein "Amerika" vid: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cQ04eMfEuik

Of course, I can't talk for Jaz. Would have to ask him. Just my
interpretation of what he meant. The inevitable cultural transformation
that often accompanies a major influx of foreign troops, gadgets,
computers, movies, etc.


Mister Black wrote:


> Well B.


> There has been no instances of Iraqi women being encouraged to dress

> in a Western style by the Allies , so Jaz was wrong on that count ,

> infact the opposite has happened , Western Women have been encouraged

> to dress in an Islamic style . Many Western Muslim Women dress more

> Islamic than their Muslim sisters in the middle east .


> The Muslims are encouraging Western women to dress in an Eastern way

> , so Jaz got it completely wrong.


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