[kj] back to oil!!!

B. Oliver Sheppard bigblackhair at sbcglobal.net
Sat Jul 21 09:35:13 EDT 2007

Here we go....

Mister Black wrote:
"You seem to be saying that because the 9/11 attackers came from Saudi
and Egypt , then that must mean that these Countries are supporters of
terrorism , that is incorrect ."

ME: No, I am saying that the Bush administration's early attempts to tie
Iraq to 9/11 are ridiculous and further show what a sham this Iraq
misadventure has been. After 9/11 Bush announced the Axis of Evil --
Iraq, Iran, and N. Korea -- none of whom produced 9/11 hijackers! The
governments of Egypt and the theocratic monarchy of Saudi Arabia do not
formally support terrorism, and those governments did not produce the
hijackers, but there are large parties and organizations in Egypt that
support such acts. The WTC bombing of '93 was masterminded by Egyptian,
for instance. Not Iraqis or Iranians r, for God's sake, North Koreans.
But -- off we go to Iraq!

Tying 9/11 to Iraq was a HUGE effort the Bush PR machine engaged in. I
guess the infamous US amnesia has kicked in and no one remembers that,
with Colin Powell embarrassingly at the UN with his pointing stick and
diagrams of tanker trucks he just KNEW had WMDs in them. That was a real
low moment for the US on the world stage.

Mr. Black wrote:
"You also say that Iran and North Korea have WMD's and this is the
reason why they weren't invaded. Your point has no merit because neither
Iran or North Korea have Nuclear Weapons , so your point about Countries
that have nuclear weapons wont be invaded is invalid ."

ME: WMDs include more than nukes. WMDs are weapons that cause massive
destruction, and including plenty of things besides nuclear devices. The
US knows of plenty of countries that defy the UN and who have these. But
the US does not invade them. Iraq, a country massively weakened after
about 13 years of crippling sanctions that mostly hurt the poor and not
Saddam, was a "crappy little country" (Ledeen) that could be slammed
against the wall as a show of force to surrounding Mid Eastern
neighbors, though Bush tried desparately to tie it someway to Al Qaeda,
even when bin Laden had issued threats against Saddam a few years
earlier because Saddam was a secular dictator who had Catholics in his
cabinet (Tariq Aziz) and tolerated other religious denominations. Saddam
was a thug, but a secular thug. Not good enough for bin Laden, who
wanted the return of a Sunni (non-Shi'a) Islamic Caliphate there. Saddam
and bin Laden hated each other. At the height of the Bush admin's
hysteria in trying to whip the US public into a war frenzy before March,
2003, Colin Powell, Cheney, and others claimed Iraq had nukes. They must
be psychic, to know that, when weapons inspectors found no such thing.

So the US invaded because Iraq cancelled weapons inspections, I guess,
because the US alone has the power to enforce UN mandates? So if a UN
resolution is made against the US, other countries have a right on their
to come over and invade the US, to enforce it? Right. Such things
require UN Security Council approval. The US never got that, and for
good reason. Why? Because Bush's war-mongering PR campaign was full of shit.


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