[kj] [SPAM] Re: [SPAM] i think im gonna give up my chance to see kj in la:[

Bette Dillinger bettedillinger at live.com
Sun May 11 16:05:38 EDT 2008

No, it would be more succinct to break the beer bottle over their head first. Just get the whole preliminary social graces thang out of the way pronto.


Date: Sun, 11 May 2008 01:17:10 -0400From: killingjoke at theimmortalfool.comTo: gathering at misera.netSubject: Re: [kj] [SPAM] Re: [SPAM] i think im gonna give up my chance to see kj in la:[Would it be more succinct to say "Pardon me, would you be so kind as to go fuck youself"Just Wondering,MeAt 08:47 PM 5/10/2008, Bette Dillinger wrote:
How do you survive your "shyness" in everyday life? You have to have some adaptative method. Look at your strengths and go with it. If you have a daughter and can have relationships, well, that shows you are not a complete misanthrope. What is the problem with saying to someone that approaches you "Sorry, I am reuniting with so many people that it is hard to place a name with a face?" or the more succinct "I am overwhelmed, back at ya in a bit". I think the "Go F#$k Yourself" attitude could get a beer bottle over your head. Just planting seeds. -Bette

From: jo at arcadia.karoo.co.uk
To: gathering at misera.net
Date: Sun, 11 May 2008 01:22:03 +0100
Subject: Re: [kj] [SPAM] Re: [SPAM] i think im gonna give up my chance to see kj in la:[
'Shy' is a subjective term and doesn't equate to not liking to talk to people. Not in my context anyway.
Read my explanation again.
It was about ice-breaking, rusting social skills and the possible rudeness of not recognising someone rather than not enjoying a good old gas.

Out of interest....would you ever speak to someone like that - what you said?

But if you are shy and you don't like talking to people, why don't you just say to people "Fuck off I'm shy , I don't want to talk , I ve come to see Killing Joke and I am quite honestly not bothered about how you are keeping , so do one , piss off and go and talk to someone else and let me enjoy me beer"?

From: jo at arcadia.karoo.co.uk
To: gathering at misera.net
Date: Sun, 11 May 2008 00:45:48 +0100
Subject: Re: [kj] [SPAM] i think im gonna give up my chance to see kj in la:[
You make going to a musical airing sound like such a robotic thing. 'Walk in, watch band, leave - ignore all distractions :-)))
Of course it's a social event and you're going to bump into people that you haven't seen for ages and for the shyist amongst us, it's a little daunting - particularly if you're anything like me, as blind as a bat and can never remember names and faces unless they've been drilled into my head which can be quite embarrassing. This is worsened - everybody else seems to be more adept at recognising me.
Fuck I'd blame it on the beer but I walk past my own daughter in the street in broad daylight. She pisses herself laughing.

"I go through bouts of being undersocialised and it can make social situations daunting. "

Why do you find it daunting ?
You go to gigs to see a band and you don't go there to talk to people .
I don't particularly like talking to people at the best of times .

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