[kj] Smash hits quiz

folk devil folk.devil at hotmail.com
Sun Jan 25 16:45:29 EST 2009

i think i'm off mark though? First I've ever heard this name :/

From: folk.devil at hotmail.com
To: gathering at misera.net
Date: Sun, 25 Jan 2009 13:39:32 -0800
Subject: Re: [kj] Smash hits quiz

Interesting: :D
"Jim Macfarlane

(Paul's brother-in-law)

"When I think of Raven I think about his passion for music and his
great sense of humor. I have always been a shuck and jive jokester and
Paul was one of the few that could hold his own and loved taking me on
and making cracks of his own. Some of the stuff he came up with was
just hilarious!! Paul knew how much I love The Scorpions and ZZ Top. He
seemed to love poking a stick at me on how I thought stuff was cool
that was everyday for him. He texted me from Vegas one night and said
he was drinking with Herman Rarebell (ex-Scorpions drummer) just to rub
my face in it and tease me. Paul called me from Texas one night to tell
me that Billy Gibbons was going to hit the stage with Ministry on one
of the opening nights of the Rio Grande Blood album tour and play 'Just
got Paid' as a cover. Paul thought Billy Gibbons was it! For some
reason Billy didn't end up playing and Paul was bummed about that. ZZ
Top was recently here in the NorthWest on tour. Paul and I talked about
going and Paul pointed out the added incentive that it we didn't go, we
were going to have to go to a 'fucking wine tasting party' with my
sisters (HA HA!). Paul kept texting me to find some tickets and that if
I failed we were 'both going to pay with the wine party'. I found two
awesome tickets front and center and we went. Paul had a blast! He kept
telling me this and that and little tid-bits of what he knew about the
band. He took a ton of pix on his cell and he acted like a little kid
the way he was idolizing Billy Gibbons. At one point he went out to
grab us some beers and when he came back he had one of his famous
twinkles in his eyes and he had me hold the beers and he pulled two ZZ
Top shotglasses out of his pocket and he said, 'How fucking cool are
these!?...ZZ Top shotglasses!!' What a great night that was and I'm so
glad to have those memories. I still can't believe he is gone. Paul's
impact on my family and my sisters was immense. Paul and I never ever
had one bad issue or one bad word between us. He was a true bro and I
miss him!"

P.S. the Cousin is Steve Heart, from the Suburban Studs. :)

> Date: Sun, 25 Jan 2009 00:53:53 +0100

> From: bo.krogsgaard at gmail.com

> To: gathering at misera.net

> Subject: Re: [kj] Smash hits quiz

was actually

> involved in Juno Reactor, but it seems he wasn't.



> Now, for a REAL quiz:


> Who was Paul Raven's brother in law, what band was he in, what band

> did he form later and what did he die of?



> b

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