[kj] Smash hits quiz

bo.krogsgaard at gmail.com bo.krogsgaard at gmail.com
Sun Jan 25 16:50:01 EST 2009

On 1/25/09, folk devil <folk.devil at hotmail.com> wrote:

> "Jim Macfarlane

> (Paul's brother-in-law)

Raven once told me that Gus Chambers was his brother in law, so i take
it as valid information. The two of them had a project with Jed Simon
of Strapping Young Lad, but nothing ever came out of it.

Gus was originally the singer of The Squad, but his "claim to fame"
was probably being the singer of the metal band Grip Inc alongside
Dave Lombardo (Slayer) and Waldemar Sorychta (Despair), who already
knew eachother from the Voodoocult days. He killed himself last year
and to this day noone know why.


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