[kj] FW: jaz date change 4 spoken word

The Exorcist killingjoke at theimmortalfool.com
Thu Mar 19 02:27:12 EDT 2009

Altruism is as much a personal ideology (if not
more) than a political ideology.
As a personal ideal I can see the merits. As a
political, it becomes an entirely different creature.

You attack republicans yet it was the Republican
party that fought to get rid of slavery.
They were the first to ban slavery despite the Democrats opposition.
The republicans passed the First Civil Rights act in 1875.

Here is some info for you to chew on.
"The Civil Rights Act (1875) was introduced to
Congress by Charles Sumner and Benjamin Butler in
1870 but did not become law until 1st March,
1875. It promised that all persons, regardless of
race, color, or previous condition, was entitled
to full and equal employment of accommodation in
"inns, public conveyances on land or water,
theaters, and other places of public amusement."

In 1883 the Supreme Court declared the act as
unconstitutional and asserted that Congress did
not have the power to regulate the conduct and transactions of individuals."

Many of the provisions that were later passed in
the 1960's were taken from the original act.
And this was only accomplished after overcoming a Democrat filibuster.
Here are the yea-nea
Democratic Party: 152-96 (61%-39%)
Republican Party: 138-34 (80%-20%)

The Senate version:
Democratic Party: 46-21 (69%-31%)
Republican Party: 27-6 (82%-18%)

The Senate version, voted on by the House:
Democratic Party: 153-91 (63%-37%)
Republican Party: 136-35 (80%-20%)

Republicans led the fight for women’s rights, and
most suffragists were Republicans. In fact, Susan
B. Anthony bragged about how, after voting
(illegally) in 1872, she had voted a straight
Republican ticket. The suffragists included two
African-American women who were also co-founders
of the NAACP: Ida Wells and Mary Terrell, Republicans, both of them.

Republican Senator Aaron Sargent wrote the
women’s suffrage amendment in 1878,though it
would not be passed by Congress until Republicans
again won control of both houses 40 years later.
It was in 1916 that the first woman was elected
to the U.S. House of Representatives, Republican
Jeannette Rankin. The first woman mayor was
elected in 1926, the Honorable Bertha Landes of
Seattle, another Republican.

The KKK was from the Democrat wing and attacked
many republicans (not to mention all the others they bore hatred for).

It was the party that made it possible for Obama to be where he is today.

I hate gaudy shopping malls, I hate annoying ads
and I hate lots of shit out there. I can't stand
the radio for the most part either.
I lament everyday the loss of the vibe that NYC
once had and is now a yuppified condo filled blob
of land. I don't own ANY designer
brand name shirts, pants, socks, belts etc...

"All the millions of ppl. trudging to work everyday to a job they hate."
Ahhhhh, so there should be no work? Would it be
ok to say at least they HAVE jobs and some sort of income?
Do we have to enjoy everything in life? Are we
all just gonna sit around in dance and song and advance, grow healthier,
more educated, watch as food miraculously pops
into our mouths while we lose the need for malaria shots?
In the US one of the biggest issues of the poor
and under privileged is OBESITY. Imagine that!

Is that cloud of doom you see because of shitty
jobs or is it becomes lives today have nothing to strive for and are
empty and meaningless. Are all these faces only in "Capitalist countries"?

I think my mother who came from Russia would have
quite a different opinion than you and would probably be able to give
you some insight how it was to live as a Jew
under the Russian communist rule. (in whatever form you care to call it)

"Political lobbying by vested interests": That
applies to all parties throughout time. If you think this is a trade unique to
Capitalism, you are sadly very mistaken.

"People think they are better than other ppl.
based on income bracket": Once again, that is not
a Capitalist creation, nor a Republican
nor a Democrat, nor Communist, nor Marxist, nor
Trostskyite, nor Bolshevik.... I hope you get the point by now.

"Plastic pieces of shit": I hate that as well and
I am quite picky with what I purchase. You get
what you pay for. If you don't like it
don't buy it. If you don't buy it they won't make
it (unless the Gov't/Nancy Pelosi/Obama forces
the car manufacturers to make more green
cars that no one seems to be buying). Did you
ever think that the little plastic piece of shit
can actually bring joy to a poor family who can't
afford anything quite grandiose?

You might say "ahhh those filthy Capitalist pigs,
they're just brainwashing the kids with all those
toys and garbage." the poor parent might
see it as "geee, my kids friend has an Ipod and
can listen to music all the time but I can't
afford to get one for my kid, well at least I can get
my child some other sort of player."

Excused me, no one is being forced to do
anything. At least not in the US. What exactly IS
a soulful job? What exactly are we
supposed to be seeing/doing? You've yet to describe that.

Capitalism took a small country and turned it
into a megapower faster than any other nation.
Everything has it's faults and everything
can be exploited. You seem to not grasp this idea
and just focus on your bloodlust for "Capitalism". There ought to be checks and
balances with proper implementation, when it's
not there... People get corrupt. It's everywhere buddy.

Another little heads up, Most conservative
republicans (and Democrats) were against the bail
out, still are against the bailout.
All the masses of cash flowing is coming from
Senior Obama. I love it how people are all
shouting bloody murder about the 165 Million "Bonus"
that AIG is giving out while that is a SPIT in
the bucket compared to how our Gov't just totally ass raped us!

Other than trying to catch up with religion in
the amount of people killed and tortured in the
name of "ideals" and having books banned,
censored, and people exiled. I can't quite bring
to mind any great additions to society that have come from Marxist ideals.

Next time you feel like saying the word
"Republican" with venom I hope the short (but
lengthy for an Email) quick recap of the
"Republicans" comes to mind.

At 11:44 PM 3/18/2009, Brendan Quinn wrote:

>Most sane people wouldn’t claim that altruism is

>a trait exclusive to one political ideology, I

>wouldn’t bother continuing a conversation with

>anyone that did – what’s the point?


>I just dunno how anyone could defend modern

>capitalism – gaudy shopping malls, whole

>neighbourhoods full of soulless advertising

>that’s impossible to avoid (yes, I’ve been to


some parts of it gave me the total shits),

>cynical advertising steered by psychologists,

>aimed at kids, selling unnatural chemical

>concoctions as ‘food’, all the millions of

>people trudging to work every day at a job they

>hate (I’m so glad I don’t have to take the bus

>in to work in the mornings anymore because the

>cloud of doom amongst the condemned is


), political (monetary) lobbying by

>powerful vested interests, people thinking they

>are better than other people because of their

>income bracket, planned obsolescence, plastic

>pieces of shit that don’t last 3 months,

>landfill full of heavy metals



>People being FORCED to help out is NOT acceptable.


>People being forced to work 40 hours a week at

>soulless jobs isn’t a great state of affairs

>either, being forced to put up with pollution,

>rampant destruction of natural resources,

>getting one vote every 4 years that means

>practically nothing in the scheme of things,

>getting ripped off by corporations and then

>expected to pay to bail them out

etc etc.





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