[kj] Jaz's Hilarious Rant on Hypocrite Rock Stars in Politics

F Luke fluke1 at live.co.uk
Wed Jul 11 10:33:06 EDT 2012

After Jaz criticized musicians for rubbing shoulders with Politicians and after Jaz was critical of Peter Garret , I would have asked Jaz whether he thought that Peter Garret should have refused to accept the Ordre des Arts et des lettres, which was bestowed upon him(Peter Garret) by the French Government in 2009.................................No need to answer Jaz, go on, what was you saying about hypocritical rock stars.......

From: www.robert.com at hotmail.co.uk
To: gathering at misera.net
Date: Mon, 9 Jul 2012 22:23:01 +0100
Subject: [kj] Jaz's Hilarious Rant on Hypocrite Rock Stars in Politics

Had to laugh when Jaz called Bono and Geldof 'motherfuckers' and 'scum' for rubbing shoulders with the likes of warmonger Blair. I reiterate get Jaz on Question Time now!Ha!

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