[IGDA_indies] making money
Brandon J. Van Every
vanevery at indiegamedesign.com
Sat Jul 24 15:26:07 EDT 2004
Hoping to succinctly state a strategic focus.
Do we agree that being an Indie is about making money?
If so, we should focus on how Indies can make more money. That could
take a lot of forms, like developing competetive advantages, business
models, streamlining technology overhead, whatever. I definitely
approach game development from the standpoint of "I am only one guy
right now. I cannot afford to think the same way that big studios think
about game production."
I think we agree that Indie != innovative games. We disagree about how
many Indies are interested in game innovation, as opposed to simply
having control over the production of their own highly derivative games.
I do think Indies have a strong 'game innovation' contingent, however.
I'd call it a secondary focus, as it's not a universal concern.
I think all Indies are interested in *business* innovation. Being an
Indie is a business decision.
Cheers, www.indiegamedesign.com
Brandon Van Every Seattle, WA
When no one else sells courage, supply and demand take hold.
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