[IGDA_indies] making money

Brian Hook hook_l at pyrogon.com
Sat Jul 24 18:34:05 EDT 2004

> Do we agree that being an Indie is about making money?

Well, only in as much that Indies like to eat.  To me, being an indie 
is about having freedom.  Making money provides freedom.

> definitely approach game development from the standpoint of "I am
> only one guy right now.  I cannot afford to think the same way that
> big studios think about game production."

Yes.  I have said for years that indies cannot tackle major studios 
directly on their turf.  They have to carve out areas in which they 
can succeed based on their own strengths.  Do not attack another's 
strength with your weakness, which is what I see all too often (five 
guys that decide they want to make a shooter, etc.).

> I think we agree that Indie != innovative games.  

Agree, with some caveats.  Indies paradoxically have the greatest 
chance at innovation and the least.  Without anyone telling them 
otherwise, an indie can do whatever they want.  However, without 
sufficient resources, taking risks plummets.  I'm speaking from 
experience here, where Pyrogon had make derivative mass market games 
primarily to pay the bills.  If we had tackled something "innovative" 
we may not have lasted as long as we did.

> derivative games. I do think Indies have a strong 'game innovation'
> contingent, however. I'd call it a secondary focus, as it's not a
> universal concern.


> I think all Indies are interested in *business* innovation.  Being
> an Indie is a business decision.



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